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Fiction Writing

1st Person or 3rd Person?

Character Development

Words to Use Instead of “Said”


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Other topics you can research:

  1. Point of View (POV) Beyond First and Third Person:
    • Include explanations of second person and omniscient points of view, as well as the less common objective and subjective perspectives.
  2. Dialogue and Dialogue Tags:
    • Tips on writing effective dialogue that advances the plot and develops character, as well as proper use of dialogue tags.
  3. Narrative Structure:
    • Discuss different narrative structures, such as linear, non-linear, and circular structures, and how they impact storytelling.
  4. Tone and Style:
    • Define how tone and style influence the reader’s experience and the narrative’s mood.
  5. Pacing:
    • Discuss how pacing affects the flow of the story and techniques for controlling it.
  6. World-Building:
    • Essential for genres like fantasy and science fiction, world-building covers creating believable settings, cultures, and rules for fictional worlds.
  7. Conflict:
    • Types of conflict (man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, etc.), and their role in driving the narrative.
  8. Foreshadowing:
    • Techniques for hinting at future events in a story, creating suspense and cohesion.
  9. Theme vs. Motif:
    • Clarify the difference between themes (central ideas or messages) and motifs (recurring elements or symbols).
  10. Show, Don’t Tell:
    • Discuss the importance of showing action and emotion through scenes and description rather than exposition.
  11. Revision and Editing:
    • Strategies for revising and editing drafts to refine narrative and prose.
  12. Literary Devices:
    • Explanation of common literary devices like metaphors, similes, alliteration, etc.
  13. Research and Authenticity:
    • The importance of research in fiction, particularly for historical accuracy or depictions of real-world cultures and professions.
  14. Genre-specific Writing Tips:
    • Include tips and considerations unique to popular genres like mystery, romance, horror, etc.
  15. Legal and Ethical Considerations:
    • Discuss copyright, plagiarism, and ethical considerations in writing.
  16. Market and Audience:
    • Understanding the target market and audience for your book.
  17. Author Platform:
    • Building an author platform for marketing and connecting with readers.